It’s seven in the morning and I’m driving down Broadway Blvd. trying to secure my spot with the cutting service. I drive a two-door, 98 Honda Civic. Who knew you could fit 10 rolls of fabric in this type of car? I have to find a way to make those rolls fit because I have a production order due in two-weeks. This is my daily challenge when I am trying to meet a deadline and secure a spot in this fast-paced fashion calendar. As a small business owner, I take on many hats and this time it was “fabric delivery guy”. GTLA Apparel Development, Inc came together by me having to take on these roles.

As I get back to my desk behind fifteen sewing machines, six workers, and production orders coming in left and right; I have to find a way to ignore the sound of the machines because my clients are counting on me to make their designs a reality. Not only do I achieve their idea, but I also take the time to teach them the process so they can understand and value all the hard work that goes into each of their pieces.

Everything that occurs at GTLA seems like a growing pain at the moment, especially when having to make all this happen within a 600sqft space. Although our space is limited our goals are not, I want my company to become the place where any creative/designer can come in and trust us with their vision. I will keep growing because nothing too big or too small can stop my team and I.